Winter Adventure Through Cross Country Skiing Colorado
All the information that you need about Cross Country Skiing Colorado is available with the Colorado Cross Country Ski Association. Information is also available here about Nordic Ski Resorts, Guest Ranches and Nordic Ski Clubs in Colorado. For Cross Country Skiing there are a number of events lined up including non competitive Nordic events, which can be a source of enjoyment for the whole family. And the Nordic Trail conditions are also available here in a new, comprehensive and updated table.
Events and News
It is important to keep yourself updated about the important events like the races on weekends. It is equally important to know all about the new trail conditions on the Nordic ski trail, if you are interested in the Cross Country Skiing Colorado.
Since the Cross Country Skiing Colorado is a fun game for many, people like to share their experiences with other Nordic enthusiasts. There are always new ski stories on websites related to Cross Country Skiing Colorado. Besides relating about the fun of cross country skiing, other aspects are mentioned like the health benefits, the equipment updates and fun adventures that one can have in Colorado. A favorite ski or snowshoe trails in Colorado are also mentioned.
There are various Nordic tour series which are interesting for Cross Country Skiing Colorado. There is the White Nordic Tour Series or the Colorado Cup Nordic Ski Race Series, just to name a few. In the course of touring the unique cross country ski venues of Colorado, there are good restaurants that you can visit all the way and enjoy sampling gourmet food everywhere with your friends and family.
Ski Resorts
Cross Country Skiing Colorado means going into the heart of the Rocky Mountains. There are several ski resorts and cross country ski trails in Colorado. For example on Crested Butte’s Nordic trail system there are breathtaking views and pristine trails. Only 35 kilometers of the cross country trail is groomed, whereas the rest of the 100 kilometers is just ungroomed backcountry skiing. At this resort you can take professional Nordic ski lessons and even guided tours.
There is another popular resort called the Whistling Elk Ranch, whose trails offer fantastic Cross Country Skiing Colorado. You don’t have to be an experienced skier to be a part of the trail. The trail includes an area of about 18 miles, and it is beautifully groomed to make it enjoyable for you. The resort is far from the crowds, in a remote part of Colorado.
Popular Areas
There are certain areas which are especially popular and loved by people who want to go in for Cross Country Skiing Colorado. The most popular area for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing is the Brainard Lake area. It lies in the Front Range and has a large variety of trails. One of the most challenging and best ski tours in Colorado is the Commando Run from Vail Pass back to Vail Resort. And the Lost Lake must be mentioned, because it lies very close to Denver and Boulder. It is great fun to have an outing at Lost Lake for anybody who wants to enjoy the beauty of the trails, whether he is an experienced skier or not.
There is a fun trail that links the two Colorado mountain towns of Breckenbridge and Frisco. It is called the Peaks Trail. Hence, for Cross Country Skiing Colorado one has to keep a close check on the weather conditions, especially if there is a storm and also follow the details of the new trail possibilities.