Visit Legend Rock in Wyoming
Legend Rock is an intriguing place to visit for anyone interested in archaeology, history or art. There are approximately 300 petroglyphs on the rock walls at the base of very high cliffs at Legend Rock. Archaeologists have determined the petroglyphs were created over the course of several thousand years. At least three different petroglyph styles have been identified at the site: Hopi, Zuni and Peruvian.
As with other examples of rock art, it is next to impossible to determine the exact meanings of the petroglyphs at Legend Rock. American Indian Elders offer various interpretations of the images at the site, although their opinions as to meanings differ. All of the Indian Elders consulted do agree the area is sacred, and it is important for visitors to avoid disturbing or damaging any part of the images by touching them.
You will need to obtain a key for the gated entrance as well as a permit to access Legend Rock. Keys and permits are available at State Bath House at the Hot Springs State Park.