Random Baggage Checks: Be Smart
Do you enjoy participating in illegal activities, such as drug use? Although you shouldn’t, it isn’t recommended for your heath and not to mention its illegal, there are a large number of individuals who do. When it comes to drug use, whether it be marijuana, cocaine, or some illegally obtained prescription pills, there are many individuals who are addicted. Aside from being addicted, some individuals just like to take them, even though they probably could stop at any time. If you are one of those individuals, there will likely come a point in time when you will need to travel, maybe even on airplane. If so, you are advised to proceed with caution.
In the recent years, airport security has drastically changed. Before September 11th, some airports only randomly screened baggage, but now they are always checked. Not only is baggage being checked for dangerous weapons, but it is also checked for illegal items, such as drugs. This means that the next time you plan on flying with a stash, you are advised against doing so. No matter how smart you are, there is a very good chance that you will get caught. Despite this chance, there are still many travelers who try.
The number one mistake that most individuals, make when flying with illegal drugs, is carry the drugs with them. New airport rules have been established. Those rules require that all passengers need to take off their shoes. Shoes will now be scanned with all other carryon bags. This means that if you plan on hiding something illegal in your shoes, whether it be drugs or not, you will be caught. It is also advised that you do not carry anything illegal in your carryon bags. In addition to being scanned though an x-ray machine, they may also be examined by airport security.
Since it is too risky to carry illegal items with them, many travelers make the decision to hide them in their checked baggage. While it may have been possible to successfully do this ten years ago, it is not anymore. Now, almost every airline searches through checked baggage. If your bags are locked, there is a good chance that you will be asked to remove those locks. When it comes to checking checked baggage, there are two main types of searches that are done. All bags will be thoroughly searched for anything out of the ordinary, but more intense searches are conducted randomly.
Do you know what the difference is between a traditional search and an intensive search? Instead of just shifting your items around, airport security will actually look through your entire bag. This may mean having every single one of your luggage compartments checked, the pockets of your clothing checked, as well all bags, including makeup bags. In the event that you are randomly selected for one of these checks, there is virtually no way that you will make it to the next point, your airplane seat.
One of the many reasons why a traveler brings banned items, not to mention illegal items, on a flight is because they think that nothing would happen to them. Now, if you are caught trying to bring a banned item onboard, such as a cigarette lighter, you may just have your item confiscated. Additional actions may be taken, but for the most part, you will just receive a warning. However, there is a difference between just a banned item and a banned item, which is also illegal. That difference may mean more than having to miss your flight. In fact, it could mean jail time.
In addition to illegal drugs, alcohol, which is considered legal if not consumed at the correct age, is prohibited on some airplanes. Most airlines have restrictions on alcohol, including checked baggage. In most cases, alcohol cannot be brought on the plane if it is more than 140 proof. When it doubt, it is best to verify the rules and restrictions with the airline you plan on flying with.