Packing for your Trip
We’ve all had some luggage mishap before. Shampoo leaking all over your new suit, suitcases opening en route, or simply having your luggage not show up at the airport. Here are a few ideas to help avoid these problems, and ensure that you and your luggage arrive in tip-top shape.
To avoid liquid-covered clothing and shoes, use plastic bottles when packing. Only fill them to the ¾ mark in case they are crushed or the contents freeze and expand. Another good idea is to pack them in freezer bags to keep any spills contained.
Leave your valuables at home if at all possible. Use locks on your luggage if you have them. Always put your valuables in carry-on luggage, not in checked baggage, which will be a safer option. If you do put valuables in your suitcase, place them in the bottom or hidden compartments so that a quick look in the suitcase won’t reveal them.
Some airports offer a shrink-wrap service for a small fee. This is a good idea to protect both the outside of your suitcase and the contents inside.
All travelers face the possibility of losing luggage. The best way to defend yourself from serious problems is to have a well-packed carry-on bag. This is the ideal place to store your travel documents, itinerary, and coupons. Also, keep valuables, such as jewelry and electronics in your carry-on. Keep a small booklet including addresses and phone numbers of friends, relatives, and your doctor, a copy of your credit card numbers and contact information, and a copy of your travelers checks.
A must in your carry-on is a one-night stay package, just in case you experience cancellations, delays, or your bags are lost. This may include a toothbrush, underwear, contact lens supplies, moist towelettes, etc. Also, make sure that you put your medication in your carry-on. In the case of a problem, you will absolutely want your medication on hand, especially necessary medication. When it comes to medication, be sure to keep them in the original containers to avoid any security problems. A final item to put in is some one dollar bills in your wallet, which will be convenient for tipping the taxi driver and porters.